Thank you for sharing this sadness Little Bean's and yours.

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Dan this was just beautiful—all of it, including the obit. And you’re a fantastic Dad; I’m quite sure of that.

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I love this,

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It doesn't matter if you are young or old, There are some difficult important lessons in life for which you cannot prepare.

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Sorry for your loss

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I agree with Susan K. on all counts. I know you'd do anything to prepare Uma for things that come her way in life. Maybe you could have seen the fish, but 'should' puts undo pressure and guilt on yourself. You did everything in your power and circumstance to help her through a difficult time. You and your wife are awesome parents. Don't forget that!

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Just as big feelings are okay, so is guilt. The important thing is that you were there to help her through it, to teach her how to handle the passing of a pet. Like so much in life, you can't protect her from it, but you can help her face it.

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You're a great dad. And - news flash - you aren't perfect. I think you handled the whole thing beautifully.

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I think you handled Shadow Fin's death very well, the obituary in particular.

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What in the world

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