Two of "my things" are also my job so it doesn't meet your criteria. I love teaching about kites and skiing (and other things). So I thought a lot about THE thing I know or can do that would be nice to share with others. I've decided that is navigating on land. One of my associates said I am like a turtle because I know where I am going or can figure out which way to go, often without needing a map.
I would happily share the river rule, finding North (or any direction) using the sun and a watch, methods of retracing steps and more to help one not get lost and how to find your way if you do feel lost. A common statement when someone asks me "are we lost?" is: "we're not lost, we're just choosing a different route"
Stone work, rocks in they are formed, why are some round and others not? Different plies of rocks in NH mean different things etc etc etc. I look for stones when I hike and I think I have an idea how they got where they's my thing I guess.
Oh! I knew you were a music guy, but didn't realize you were a rock and stone guy as well! Neat! You ought to stop by the library sometime and I'll walk you to the back of our wooded property to look over the old stone wall back there!
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” — Heinlein
My thing is sentence diagrams. I LOVE them. Every sentence becomes a fun little puzzle, akin to the NYT puzzle packs or the daily Jumble, which I used to work on with my grandma. Before cell phones filled the void in waiting rooms or at airplane gates, I’d keep a notepad in my purse and would diagram complex sentences or famous quotes. I still do that during church sermons (I use the back of the service bulletin) or in other contexts where having a phone out is frowned upon. Cocktail napkins are great for this at pubs. Above my bed is a huge framed diagram I made as an art piece after I got married. I’ll try to remember to send you a pic.
I can also make up limericks off the top of my head (this was my party trick in college), and I throw an impressive English tea party.
haha, first time anyone every wrote a limerick about me! and oh my goodness, sentence diagramming was the thing I hated the most in school haha! Now, I'm going to be worried every time you read something I write!
I really had to think about what my thing is. I have a lot of things, but they are really just hobbies, things such as knitting, gardening (flowers mostly), even puzzles.
But I'd say my real thing is maps! I inherited this thing from my dad who had a collection of maps and every now and then he would lay one out and study it. I remember the days of childhood car vacations when I would have a map laid out on my lap and follow along where we were going. And not those silly TripTik AAA maps that merely showed you your specific area. I wanted the big picture.
Of course, nowadays I use the GPS on my phone, but I still want the bigger picture, so once I find our specifics, I expand the view see the whole area.
To add to that, I do not mind getting lost if I don't have a map right with me. All roads eventually lead somewhere, right? I was looking for a historic marker yesterday (another hobby but not a "thing") and got my husband and myself lost in the vicinity of the Corbin covered bridge in Newport (covered bridges are close to being a thing) and he was annoyed, but I said, "hey, now we know a new area".
Another thing of mine is I can go on for too long explaining things!!!
Maps are a wonderful thing to have, thank you for sharing! is there a particular map or piece of info about maps that you find particularly interesting?
I love to have a map of every state when we are traveling in it or just driving through, so I can get a perspective of distances, direction we are heading, and bodies of water. An added bonus is elevation. The one bonus of the phone GPS maps is showing buildings as well.
But the best particular thing is getting the sense of where we are in relation to "the big picture". We often forget about our tiny-ness in the big picture.
Amazing to think that we used to just travel around with only a piece of paper for directions and we thought nothing of it LOL Thank you for sharing and would you mind sharing in your own socials as I'd love to gather more 'things!'
I love how paradoxical the writing process is. It's predictable, in that it includes the same basic parts no matter what you're writing--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing--but it can be completely unpredictable at the same time.
Right! You never know, really, which way things are going to go! Speaking of the way things are going, would you mind sharing this post in your socials - I'd love to collect more 'things!'
Two of "my things" are also my job so it doesn't meet your criteria. I love teaching about kites and skiing (and other things). So I thought a lot about THE thing I know or can do that would be nice to share with others. I've decided that is navigating on land. One of my associates said I am like a turtle because I know where I am going or can figure out which way to go, often without needing a map.
I would happily share the river rule, finding North (or any direction) using the sun and a watch, methods of retracing steps and more to help one not get lost and how to find your way if you do feel lost. A common statement when someone asks me "are we lost?" is: "we're not lost, we're just choosing a different route"
Oh my gosh, that really IS your thing! Would you call that a natural sense of direction maybe?
Stone work, rocks in they are formed, why are some round and others not? Different plies of rocks in NH mean different things etc etc etc. I look for stones when I hike and I think I have an idea how they got where they's my thing I guess.
Oh! I knew you were a music guy, but didn't realize you were a rock and stone guy as well! Neat! You ought to stop by the library sometime and I'll walk you to the back of our wooded property to look over the old stone wall back there!
Sure, would enjoy a visit. I'll be in touch.
I can belch songs!
But seriously, as a retired NP, I diagnose people I see anywhere and everywhere. It’s a curse!
Oh man! First Lydia's thing is diagramming sentences and now you diagnose people! I suddenly feel paranoid!
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” — Heinlein
"Never try to outstubborn a cat." - Heinlein
My thing is sentence diagrams. I LOVE them. Every sentence becomes a fun little puzzle, akin to the NYT puzzle packs or the daily Jumble, which I used to work on with my grandma. Before cell phones filled the void in waiting rooms or at airplane gates, I’d keep a notepad in my purse and would diagram complex sentences or famous quotes. I still do that during church sermons (I use the back of the service bulletin) or in other contexts where having a phone out is frowned upon. Cocktail napkins are great for this at pubs. Above my bed is a huge framed diagram I made as an art piece after I got married. I’ll try to remember to send you a pic.
I can also make up limericks off the top of my head (this was my party trick in college), and I throw an impressive English tea party.
Dan Szczesny is pretty darn rad.
And what a full life he has had!
He hikes o’er the land
Praising rocks, trains, and bands.
Little Bean’s got one hell of a dad.
haha, first time anyone every wrote a limerick about me! and oh my goodness, sentence diagramming was the thing I hated the most in school haha! Now, I'm going to be worried every time you read something I write!
Looking forward to Lovebites as well! I missed out on Bandmaid last time they came through.
I'm hoping they come to the Northeast!
I really had to think about what my thing is. I have a lot of things, but they are really just hobbies, things such as knitting, gardening (flowers mostly), even puzzles.
But I'd say my real thing is maps! I inherited this thing from my dad who had a collection of maps and every now and then he would lay one out and study it. I remember the days of childhood car vacations when I would have a map laid out on my lap and follow along where we were going. And not those silly TripTik AAA maps that merely showed you your specific area. I wanted the big picture.
Of course, nowadays I use the GPS on my phone, but I still want the bigger picture, so once I find our specifics, I expand the view see the whole area.
To add to that, I do not mind getting lost if I don't have a map right with me. All roads eventually lead somewhere, right? I was looking for a historic marker yesterday (another hobby but not a "thing") and got my husband and myself lost in the vicinity of the Corbin covered bridge in Newport (covered bridges are close to being a thing) and he was annoyed, but I said, "hey, now we know a new area".
Another thing of mine is I can go on for too long explaining things!!!
Maps are a wonderful thing to have, thank you for sharing! is there a particular map or piece of info about maps that you find particularly interesting?
I love to have a map of every state when we are traveling in it or just driving through, so I can get a perspective of distances, direction we are heading, and bodies of water. An added bonus is elevation. The one bonus of the phone GPS maps is showing buildings as well.
But the best particular thing is getting the sense of where we are in relation to "the big picture". We often forget about our tiny-ness in the big picture.
Amazing to think that we used to just travel around with only a piece of paper for directions and we thought nothing of it LOL Thank you for sharing and would you mind sharing in your own socials as I'd love to gather more 'things!'
My thing is the writing process. I'm endlessly fascinated by it, and I'll go off on it at the least provocation.
Yes, fabulous! Is there one articular bit of info on process that you'd like to share?
I love how paradoxical the writing process is. It's predictable, in that it includes the same basic parts no matter what you're writing--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing--but it can be completely unpredictable at the same time.
Right! You never know, really, which way things are going to go! Speaking of the way things are going, would you mind sharing this post in your socials - I'd love to collect more 'things!'
Sure, what exactly would you like to see me post?
Thank you! Just a general share and your own words about what people’s things are! I’m just curious and I’ve loved all the reactions so far!