Recently, I asked my social media following what they would like me to write about? And I asked them to be specific. Not food, but ketchup. Not insects, but grasshoppers. You get the idea. If there were any common denominators, I’d pick that. Fair enough. I like a challenge and what’s interesting to others is often interesting to me!
The results were fun! Red efts. Blue ice skates with white shoelaces. Moss on rocks. Aging. NH characters. Spiritual journeys of all manner.
Alpacas! (Carrie, if you’re reading, that’s already on my list!)
One reader wanted me to write on the difference between bread and butter pickles and gherkins. Maple trees. Local authors. A history of pencils. Ducks. Whoopie pies. Weather. Cupolas and farms.
The Civil Air Patrol. Niche Construction Theory. Tree bending.
Dogs. Cats. Kites. Magic. Daisies.
There were all sorts of suggestions! Really, it just makes my heart sing! This is like poetry of the ego. We used to do this sort of thing in my old bull pen journalism days - just gather a bunch of people together at the local coffee shop and ask them what’s on their mind. What would you like to read? What can I build with my words that would interest you? What - right at this moment - would make you sit up and go, aha!
This is a healthy debate for all of here in this growing community of searchers and readers and adventurers. I’ve been blessed with all of your interest and the numbers and subscribers are growing, much to my delight and surprise, so I don’t want to let you down!
To that end, I’ll put the same question to all of you. As we begin to define what this space is really all about, how would you like to proceed? When you see a new post pop up in your email, what would make you go aha!
In general, I’m thinking one or two posts a week for free subscribers. I’ll have a deeper option down the line for paid subscribers. (We’re takin’ like 3 bucks a month.) We’ll do some giveaways around book release times and I think there’s some LIVE chat options as well.
My wheelhouse, as you all know, is libraries, rocks, parenting, White Mountains, odd ball history, that sort of thing. I like keeping things local because New Hampshire is pretty weird enough for plenty of stories. But other wise, I’m open, and like I said, YOU being interested in something is interesting to ME.
So, short post for today. Let’s talk. Tell me:
What have you liked here and would like to see more of?
Would you be interested in poetry or fiction?
How often would you read free content to be worth your time and attention?
What content would you be willing to try a paid subscription to?
Let me know, and as always, I’m so grateful for your time and attention. I couldn’t be happier to have you all with me on this strange little journey. On we go!
I would like seeing your emails once a week. Them coming from you already let's me know they will be interesting! I love hearing about your adventures with your daughter...and the new pup. I would like to know more about the trees, history of NH forests. There is a stand of virgin pine still in NH correct? I bet the history of the different forests is interesting...did we ever have there a new Elm they are growing... Also, the history of NH ponds is so fascinating. I have visited a couple myself...whole histories behind them! I am still looking forward to hearing about more rocks... Anyway, about once a week is all the time I have, but I would subscribe...The coffee donations are fun too, so keep those!
Personal stories are wonderful. Libraries are a passion of mine. Poetry and fiction would be welcome. Paid or free I would prefer to read no more than 3 a week ... I am suffering a financial low point and would appreciate a very sliding scale. Let's see -- I think that is it.