I got a church stained glass window out of the garbage that they were throwing out. It was beautiful, about 6 feet tall by 3 feet wide. It was very detailed and ornate. It had some damage to it in one corner. I brought it back to my apartment and put it up in a corner. I was going thru a divorce and moved out. I never saw it again and maybe I'll ask my ex whatever came of it.

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Fortunately or Unfortunately, I have kept so much stuff from my great grandmothers dishes to my original Barbie, to a Jon Perry collection. Now I really do not know what to do with the stuff. I am trying to lessen the load. I grew up taking care of things and keeping them, as we did not have much money and I knew I could not replace.

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My trumpet...playing that (and playing correctly) brought me much joy. Big box for that, I know...

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Since having my mom in there is off the table because of #2, I’ll go for a stuffed animal. Specifically, George, a stuffed cat that I had as a little girl. George had velveteen paws and ears, with little bits of glitter embedded in it. The glitter had long since been picked out, and the fuzziness of the velveteen material was wearing thin, but that stuffed cat was well loved! I don’t know what happened to George, but it would be awesome to have that little piece of my childhood again.

Oh, and his name is unrelated to my song — the song name came from a song prompt of, “My name is George,” and I had nothing to do with that name being in the prompt.

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#2 means my box is empty.

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