HAAAAAAA!! Brilliant! There is nothing that will instantly put you in a state of fear and panic than those moments. The end is near my friend...it will be a sad day.
I'm... well, I believe in Santa. I taught our kids that Santa is a spirit, and because I'm pagan, they know that doesn't mean a pretend thing. Spirits can work through people. So when it came time for the kids to "know" that the parents were Santa, they already knew that Santa worked *through* us... but Santa is Santa. Now that they're almost adults, they get into the *spirit* themselves, and Santa often finds his way into the parents' stockings as well. To me, that's the *real* magic. The joy of giving something, even a small thing, with no expectation of a pat on the back. :)
HAAAAAAA!! Brilliant! There is nothing that will instantly put you in a state of fear and panic than those moments. The end is near my friend...it will be a sad day.
I'm... well, I believe in Santa. I taught our kids that Santa is a spirit, and because I'm pagan, they know that doesn't mean a pretend thing. Spirits can work through people. So when it came time for the kids to "know" that the parents were Santa, they already knew that Santa worked *through* us... but Santa is Santa. Now that they're almost adults, they get into the *spirit* themselves, and Santa often finds his way into the parents' stockings as well. To me, that's the *real* magic. The joy of giving something, even a small thing, with no expectation of a pat on the back. :)
I love this so much, thank you!