I stared for a little too long today at the blank page of this newsletter, trying to figure out what to write about. I do have a process, normally.
Writing 200-500 words a day, in and of itself, isn’t difficult. The challenge is making those words 1) make sense 2) be interesting enough for you all to not unsubscribe 3) be accurate and authentic.
I don’t always succeed, like maybe today I won’t.
But as we approach the one year anniversary of writing a daily post (we began on Nov. 1, 2023), I’ve learned a lot about how this all works. I could, I suppose, build a subscriber base faster if I focused on one theme. The biggest reason I lose subscribers, they tell me, is because our subject matter here is too diverse. But meh, I’d be pretty bored if I didn’t mix it up every day.
So, how about this for today? Let’s do another round of You Tell Me The Topic. We did this earlier in the year and your suggestions absolutely blew me away! You all know me and Little Bean enough to be curious about some stuff I’m sure. So ask away.
Just a couple rules:
Be as specific as you can.
Don’t hold back.
Keep it PG.
Nothing is off limits.
As always, I’ll pick and choose, I’ll collaborate with my co-writer, we’ll add all your suggestions to our writing list and we’ll dive in.
Sound good? Oh, one more thing - we are a mere couple dozen subscribers from reaching our goal of 500 by November. Think you can help us? Please tell your friends. Share. Write them direct. We’d be so grateful for your help!
Ok, ready? Tell Us What To Write About!
Write about any future planned road trips. Those days following The Warning were very interesting.
Okay; what kind of society would you CHOOSE to live in, if you did't know who you would be within it - rich or poor, black or white, Muslim or infidel, Jew or gentile, gay or straight? What does it mean to lie together as free and equal citizens in a democratic society? Putting politics and personal chauvinisms aside, let's talk about this! FREE AND EQUAL, BY Daniel Chandler