Being of Swedish decent, I celebrate the solstice on December 13, St. Lucia Day, by making sweets for my coworkers. But yesterday I made LOTS of cookies!

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Remembering that we were all once giant boulders that now are reduced to sand on the beach...

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Isn't that a Kansas song, "all we are is sand on the beach!" :)

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Yesterday was a quiet day for us: one for us to spend quietly amid all the dervishing chaos of the impending (or already here) Holidays. Cooked some food, played with kittens, watched "White Chistmas" on TV (such a fun thing, to watch a movie you've seen a dozen times or more, enjoying it all over again for the fact that now you're no longer worried about the plot, and you can focus on things like how can a barn also be a Hollywood soundstage, like some crazy reverse-onion where the inside is infinitely large?)

Looking forward to the Holidays, finding more in less, and looking for less of More.

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