We are signing some of our new books when Little Bean pauses at the title page and reads my list of books.
“The Adventures of Buffalo and Tough Cookie?” she asks.
“That’s Janelle’s trail name,” I say.
“You wrote a book with her, too?”
I nod. I can see the wheels turning in her head about my past life for the first time.
“The Nepal Chronicles?” she asks.
“About mine and your mom’s wedding.”
“Mosquito Rain,” she laughs.
“About a trip to Alaska I took with your mom.”
“You and Me: Reflections on Becoming Your Dad.” She looks up at me.
“About how proud I am to be your dad.”
“Maybe you’d like to read some of those books?” I suggest.
We’re at a crossroads, her and I. Up until recently, I’ve been a librarian who dabbles in books in her eyes. She’s slowly coming to understand that I had a whole different life before this one as a book writer. And before that as a reporter and editor. Heck, even before that in public relations and marketing.
One value of her and I writing this series of Field Guides is that she understands what, exactly, it takes to write and publish a book. That it isn’t easy. That it’s something to be proud of.
She knows I write about parenting. She knows I write this journal with her help. She knows I write about her and our family. She knows because I’ve read quite a bit of these essays and others to her out loud. I want her to know. I don’t want her to be surprised when she reaches the teenage years. She still might be mortified, but she won’t be surprised.
We wrap up this round of book signing and together we stuff the envelopes.
“What’s next,” she asks.
“Next, we wake up early tomorrow and take these to the post office before school.”
“All at once? There’s a lot of them.”
“All at once,” I say. “Our readers need to get their books as soon as possible!”
“Ok,” she says and shrugs. “I hope they like them.”
“Me too, baby.”
An author’s work is never done. New book coming at you folks. Get ready!
Friends, in the next few days, the first copies of More NH Rocks That Rock: Memorial Stones will be arriving in your mailboxes and we can’t wait to hear what you think! When they do show up, please takes pics, leave reviews and pass the word to your local library and bookstores. In particular, we hope you’ll post in some of your Facebook groups about history, hiking, parenting or New Hampshire. In general, those groups frown on the author posting links, but recommendations from members are usually fine. And of course, as always, thank you for your support and sharing of Day By Day!
You and Meena are doing a great job parenting. Love little Beans new haircut. Love that she loves music. And that she has a work ethic.