Little Bean is telling me about her mega-neon purple giant poodle that she can ride. She pushes a button and her normal sized poodle becomes the size of a pony and her character gets on and gallops off.
We are in Roblox world and a game called Adopt Me. As near as I can tell, this game has something to do with adopting pets and going around and visiting other friends pets and turning the pets into mega-neon purple poodles.
“And then watch this,” she says. She presses some other button and her costume changes into a sort of white bird with wings and a head dress.
I confess I’m having trouble following. It’s late. I’m on deadline, trying to absorb every minute I can to finish my NYS fire tower field guide and that has meant I haven’t been around her much the past week or so.
She was hovering around me all evening, asking questions, showing me drawings and her balloon animals. I wasn’t very quick on the uptake that she missed me.
So when she asked if she could show me her Roblox world I shoved everything aside and said yes. That will mean an extra half hour tonight - later to bed, more tired at work, less sleep.
But I do get to see a purple neon poodle so that’s something.
“Daddy,” she’s saying, “do you want to see ALL my costumes?”
“Of course I do, I say.
She starts sorting though the pages of costumes her character has. I’m in for a long night. But at least she’s at my side, so we’ll get through together.
Enjoy those precious moments with your daughter. You are building a relationship and will have wonderful memories of time well spent when she is all grown up.