A few days ago, on a whim, I asked my Facebook following to post a favorite picture they had taken a concert; a shot they were proud of or had meaning for them. Or maybe it just came out great.
I asked because as Little Bean and I explore these new stages of her musical journey, its been interesting to see which musical moments stand out for her. Music changes you. Or at least, CAN change you if you allow it. Even if your not a dyed-in-the-wool fan, who can deny a song, or concert, or music video, at some point in your life, either moved you, made you cry or made you laugh? You - every one of you reading this - have a core memory associated with music.
And so I asked. And boy, did people respond. Most of these photos are not professional. Some are blurry or from a distance. Some were bands or performers I’d never heard of in small venues or local bands.
None of that matters. This was music that made a difference to some one - a split second captured on an already all too short time line of art right there in a person’s life. Bottled beauty, distorted and grainy and out of focus and none of that matters.
These photos were shared because this music, at that moment, landed perfectly in someone’s life and affected them. As the best music does. Keep that in mind as you look over these shots. See how many performers you can recognize.
But mostly, remember the people who took the pictures. This was really their moment. Ready? Let’s play, continue down to the bottom of the page for a contest!
Many thanks to all the folks and music lovers who contributed to this wonderful compilation! What a diverse and amazing collection of artists.
If you’ve gotten this far and are a subscriber, here’s a contest for you. In the big block above of 24 pictures, name as many artists as you can recognize! Name them left to right starting at the top row. Whomever gets the most right will win a copy of our new book, More NH Rocks That Rock: Memorial Stones! Sound good! Get naming!
I'm reading this on "tape delay" as last week was just too much to properly read each entry: so sad I missed your call for photos! I promise to send you lots to share with Bean!
Great read and awesome photos!!