After her piano lesson, her regular ritual, she asks,
How long will we be at the library today, daddy? Only an hour?
She pouts. Can we stay longer?
Her piano teacher laughs, I thought she was sad because she had to stay a full hour
No. Not the librarian’s daughter.
She curls up with a thick graphic novel but lasts not too long,
Soon she’s in my office, unsettled, looking for this or that,
I think I understand. Books are not solitary. It may not seem it, but
They are best WITH others, not alone
Librarians know this. Books are not alone. A library is not alone
Our patrons are not alone. This space demands community
And connection. So we goof around for a bit, play with legos,
Talk about school. But she’s in a place she loves, we are with each other
So all’s fine.
After, we fall out into the library yard in front of the chilly ice in the air of
A coming snow storm, the
Library shines on her like a performer on a stage and out
There in the comfort of the rickety white forum she scrambles up a tree
The books will be there when we get home
For now, the librarian’s daughter is a climber of trees.
Housekeeping: It just so happens that the Librarian’s Daughter’s second book, More NH Rocks That Rock: Memorial Stones, is available now in pre-order and will officially launch on Monday, February 19! We’re very proud of her!
Pre-orders will be signed by Dan and Uma and Little Bean will include a special one-of-a-kind drawing for you. Check it out here: NH Rocks That Rock: Memorial Stones
Than for the love and support, it’s going to be an exciting weekend!
What Susan Hadley said!!
Couldn’t be a better environment to grow up in!