Over the past week or so, I’ve been asked more than a few times about Little Bean’s interview music project with the teen band Freeze the Fall.
I know I'm harping on this, but if you’ll indulge me, I’m happy to provide updates as this space is also a space for her and I've been pretty proud of how serious Little Bean has been heading up this project.
Also important to all of you, will be the treat that this project will provide Day By Day subscribers with your first taste of some exclusive material and behind the scenes updates that will be sent JUST TO YOU!
So, here’s where we are. Little Bean has been corresponding with Freeze the Fall, the teen hard rock band out of Canada. They have been kind enough to treat her like a pen pal.
What began as a fun bonding experience for the two of us to work on has begun to take more serious wings, as we've already received several notes of interest from media locally and even in British Columbia. So, who knows, this could be Little Bean's first internationally published article, we'll see.
Either way, she's watched the videos and done the reading and then worked hard on taking the questions seriously, at least as seriously as a nine-year-old who desperately wants to know what the band members favorite animals are!
My job as her editor will be to try to bring out some of the flavor of an interview by a child of teens and maybe provide a little different window into how that creative process might work.
It's been a new experience for both of us. I'm grateful, by the way, for all the help that the band's parents are giving us as well, they are a hard working and decent team!
So what's next? First, we're shooting for a mid-May release of the primary interview to coincide with the band's new OMV release of a song called "Masquerade."
The primary interview will drop right here and then we'll see where else it gets picked up. Meantime, for subscribers only, we'll offer some behind the scenes stories and tidbits of how this all came together. Those extras will be sent right to you, direct to our subscribers, as a special thank you!
And Little Bean herself is hard at work on a surprise creative project she wants to give the band, so you’ll all see that here as well.
We've also had some offers from a variety of FB Groups and some other digital media interested in posting it.
So meantime, we carry on. Life moves fast, we’re trying to keep up. Stay tuned, cool things coming, thanks for being part of it with us!