Morning all,
Just a quick reminder that I appreciate all your Buy Me A Coffee donations and I wanted to assuage all your fears that I’m using the donations to pay bills or send my daughter to college.
Rest assured, I am not!
But seriously, thanks. I’ve worked hard to maintain this site as a free subscription community and so many of you regularily respond anyway by donating and buying my books.
To that end, starting next Tuesday, we’re going to launch a subscription drive. I’ll give you all the details then, but meantime, start thinking about friends, family, strangers, pets, etc. in your circle that might have an interest in our little community. Little Bean and I have developed a series of cool rewards - the more referrals you bring in, the more neat things you can win - including a cover image of our newest book, signed by the two of us!
More then. Till then, stay tuned. We have some big music adventures coming soon. (I think my Pentatonix and The Warning fans will enjoy that.) There’s an essay on crazy history that combines Thoreau with modern river ferries. We’ll do a thing on dad fashion. And I’m considering doing another 30 day run over November.
Until then, thanks for the eyes on my words. I appreciate you. This all means something. See you next week for the big drive. On we go!