To all of you and all of yours, and to everybody else everywhere, for whatever you believe and however you believe it, have a happy Christmas time and a safe New Year's Eve and good luck in 2025! And if you don't believe in anything, then have a peaceful and pleasant day! Hope that covers everyone!
One last thought. Don’t ever let anyone tell you Santa doesn’t exist. You are what you believe and what you believe is what you are.
We’ll - all of us - move into the new year not particularly gracefully, pretty uncertain, a bit intimidated, yes, but we’ll do it together.
And it starts today. Whatever it is you do today, however you plan on doing it, we wish you the best day possible and we’ll see you in the morning.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for letting me and Little Bean be part of your every morning. And let’s keep moving, always!
Wishing you all a happy (and musical) holiday season!
Happy Holidays to all! (as I take a large bite of choco peppermint candy!)